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Travel Advisory
CALLING FOR THE COOPERATION ON PROTECTION AGAINST CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19), ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE Nay Pyi Taw, February 21st The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism has been focusing on developing the Tourism sector in Myanmar and offering safe and secure travel experience to travelers. The Chinese Consular Office in Mandalay informed on 19th February 2020...
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SUSPENDING THE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT OF CHINESE VISITORS TO MYANMAR NayPyi Taw, February 19th The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism has been focusing on developing the Tourism sectorin Myanmar andoffering safe and secure travel experience to travelers. Currently, the visa on arrival for the visitors from the People Republic of China have been suspended and the...
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Nay Pyi Taw, 18 February, 2020 The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is aiming for the long-term development of the hotel and tourism sector in Myanmar and to be a safe and comfortable vacation for all the travelers. In the present, to be the support for the People’s Republic of China 2019 Novel Coronavirus pneumonia...
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Postponement of tour operations for both Chinese Visitors to Myanmar and Myanmar Visitors to China Nay Pyi Taw, 2nd February The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Myanmar is conducting tourism activities with the aim of sustainable tourism development and safe and secure traveling in Myanmar. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, which is declared...
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Nay Pyi Taw, 2 February The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is serving with the aims of Myanmar tourism sustainable development and to be a safe and comfortable vacation for all the travelers. The travel companies and tour operators serving the Chinese tourists are advised to collaborate as stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
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Nay Pyi Taw, 27th January Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Myanmar is performing the duties and responsibilities aiming to enhance the sustainable development of Myanmar Tourism Sector by providing a safe and secure vacation to the visitors. From the time being, COVID-19 started from Wuhan, the People’s Republic of China is spreading in some countries...
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Nay Pyi Taw, December 20 Ministry of Hotels and Tourism intends to promote sustainable tourism development in Myanmar and is providing assistance for the safe and secure travel of the visitors. The tour companies which are handling river cruise tours, international cruise tours and yacht tours can operate in accordance with the information prescribed on...
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20 December 2019 The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is serving with the aims of Myanmar tourism sustainable development and to be a safe and comfortable vacation for all the travelers. To ensure the safety of the Free Independent Travelers (FITs) in Myanmar that is also contributing to the development of the Myanmar Tourism Sector...
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Nay Pyi Taw, December 20 Ministry of Hotels and Tourism intends to promote sustainable tourism development in Myanmar and is providing assistance for the safe and secure travel of the visitors. The tour companies which are handling Caravan tours can operate in accordance with the information prescribed on MoHT website can inquire the further...
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Travel Advisory (4) “Information Counter Service Providing” 9TH December 2019                                          The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is aiming for the long-term development of the hotel and tourism sector in Myanmar, and it has opened 27 information counters to serve tourists in the regions and states and location, Address Contact numbers and e-mail are provided at...
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