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Celebrated for 13 days starting from the 8th Waxing to 5thWanning of Tagu




Performers showcase their best performance to be noticed by organisers. Unique culture and traditions can be seen in this festival.

This pagoda festival is held in April in Bago. Every year, dancers and theatre troupes gather and perform in this festival to please the Festival Organisers in order to receive bookings from agents that want them to perform in future festivals. The performers make new and beautiful costumes out of the money received in advance and would proceed to practise throughout the monsoon period. Buddhist devotees and tourists who visit to pay their respects in the shrine get to witness the vibrant and thrilling performance from these performers. Diverse cultures and traditions could be seen in these performances as the troupes are made up of mutiple races in Myanmar.

Other Festivals in April

Salon Festival

Date: Late April
Location: Myeik Archipelago

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Water Festival And Myanmar New Year

Date: April 13 to 17
Location: Throughout the country

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Panguni Uthiram

Date: March or April (Full Moon Day of Tabaung or Tagu)
Location: Sri AngataEswariMunieswar Swamy Temple, Pelikha Village, Kyauk Tan Township, Yangon Region

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