Celebrated for 5 days usually from 13 April to 17 April
Throughout the country
Thingyan Festival is held from April 13 to 17 all across Myanmar. Locals douse each other with water to ward off evil. The last days of the festival are spent by conducting merit making rituals.
Largely celebrated by the Myanmarese across the country, this festival lasts from April 13 to 17. Locals celebrate the end of the dry season and welcome the new year along with the rainy season that would once again flourish the green forests of Myanmar. To do so, locals would splash water on family, friends and even tourists who are present to celebrate the joyous festival with them. This serves as a way to keep evil and negativity at bay as they welcome the new year. The last day of the festival is celebrated by the locals who would conduct merit-making rituals. They release captive animals and this lead the locals to receive good fortune for their good deeds. Kind wishes are also exchanged between family and friends. Tourists will surely enjoy this fun and meaningful celebration along with the locals.