H&T Minister, Korean Ambassador discuss COVID impacts on tourism industry
UNION Minster for Hotels and Tourism U Ohn Maung held a videoconference with Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Myanmar from his office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday, discussing the impacts of COVID-19 on tourism sector and relief plans.
The meeting discussed the ministry’s implementation of COVID-19 tourism relief plan, destinations for restarting local tourism businesses, businesses that are related to hotels and tourism industry, and preparation for reopening with COVID-19 preventive guidelines.
After COVID safe servicesare provided in accordance with Standard Operating Producer (SOP), local and foreign visitors will be invited step by step.
To revitalize tourism industry, ASEAN and Asian nations will establish bilateral travel bubbles step by step. The Union Minister and the Korean Ambassador also discussed signing MoU for promoting tourism between Myanmar and South Korea to mark 45th anniversary of establishment of Myanmar-Korea diplomatic relations. As Myanmar is included in the CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam), they also discussed preparing travel bubbles for 2021 Mekong-ROK Exchange Year.
The ministry is planning for opening tourism refresher courses and skills upgrading courses by paying daily-wages, therefore, the assistance from KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) were discussed.—MNA
(Translated by Kyaw ZinTun)
Source From: The Global New Light of Myanmar