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A Training Trip to Hainan Island in China

When our flight attendant at China Southern Airlines announced our arrival at the Hainan International Airport, my heart started beating faster. Not only me, but all my team members were also equally excited.

Our entire team of 34 people were extremely happy to head to Hainan Island. We were heading to the island to attend a training course on Investment Promotion in Myanmar. The trip included accommodation, catering, city tour of Hainan Island. The training intended to help us gain support tourism development in our country through education, sharing of experiences and ideas about how to develop tourism in our country.

The flight departed from Yangon at 7 pm and landed at Guangzhou International Airport in Haikou City of Hainan Island at 2:30 AM. The time in China is 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of Myanmar Time. Our group arrived at the Serengeti Hotel at 3 AM. Our training was 21 days long which included staying 4 days at a hotel in Haikou City with a city tour of Haikou and then staying for 5 days in Sanya city, coming back to Haikou City and staying for another 3days , 1 day city tour of Haikou, visiting Shenzhen and Guangzhou cities for 2days and then going back to home.

Among the modules in training investment promotion, One Belt One Road by the People Republic of China was the main module which provided an understanding of how China intends to attract people from different countries through project Road. The aim of this project is to go from China to Europe through Center of Middle of Asia and Russia by road. This project is intended to help connect China and the Middle East. The project also involved passing through China’s Coastal land to promote marine trading through the India Ocean and the South China Sea and connecting the South China Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

The establishment of One Belt One Road Project would be a win-win situation for not only countries in and around this region but also foreign countries. It will support the development and improve the transportation system and International Finance System which will finally lead to the financial development of basic infrastructure.

While I was in Hainan Island, I studied and noted the way of speaking, their customs, their jobs, city buildings, management of tourists and other things. China is the second largest country in the world economically. The way of conducting the business of the Chinese people is widely spread all over the world. China is very well-developed and prospering. The country maintains a high economic standard.

I wondered how from a developed country, they moved on so fast. However, I didn’t get many answers to that. But I found that the people are united and obey the law. They implement long term projects systematically and look into the details. They support psychologists and technicians to obtain training overseas which benefit their country by creating experts.

Having a great mindset develops a country and also leads it to prosperity. It creates a mindset of high standards in the country. Having a negative mindset would block the development of the country. That is my opinion which can differ from others but is practically true.

Without following the basic rules, it is not possible to develop. If each of the citizens follows rules, a lot can happen. By accomplishing little things, we can hope for bigger changes. Even if one of us disobeys the rules, when others follow the same, change is not possible.

Some of the Asian host countries worry a lot about Chinese travellers visiting their countries because as travellers, they have a bad reputation that precedes them. Hence, some countries don’t encourage them. But this is not a good practice. So what can the countries do? They can implement stringent rules and make sure everyone follows them.

Domestic Tourism in China is well developed. A lot of Chinese travellers want to visit Myanmar. If we establish peace and open the border gates, millions of Chinese travellers will visit our country. It is essential for Myanmar to implement stringent tourism laws to ensure these travellers follow the rules. Implementation of good practices can change people’s habits.

About 60 million Chinese travellers visit Hainan Island. I didn’t any of the domestic Chinese travellers behave recklessly and disobey the laws. They all follow their laws. That is why all the places I visited were clean and pleasant.

Such clean and pleasant scenes are a pleasure to visitors. All the places in Hainan Island are very nice and beautiful. The designing of domestic tours is good for the development of the tourism industry. It leads to the development of hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, transportation and airlines.

In our country, domestic tourism has increased compared to the past which has to lead to foreign currency income due to visits by foreign travellers, creation of job opportunities as well as trading, local guides, souvenir shops, restaurants, transportation and hotels/motels related to the tourism industry. Our country should encourage domestic tourism for further development.

We need to try and establish a Green City in some destinations to develop tourism for domestic and foreign travellers. Sanya City in Hainan Island used to be a forested area but is quite modernized now.

Once the authorities of Hainan Island learned about the disadvantages of forest degradation and the damage it can cause to nature, it started implementing measures to conserve the city. Today, there are innumerable gardens in the city which are well-planned and well-managed. This provides a green surrounding, peaceful and nice to live in.

During our trip, we visited the Haikou city, Qionghai City, Sanya City, Shenzhen City and Guangzhou City. In these cities, battery motorbikes are the main methods of transportation. They not only help in saving the cost of fuel but also have reduced noise pollution, reduced emission and lesser accidents. Most importantly, they are the least threatening to society and the natural environment.

What I want to mention here is that usage of such no polluting vehicles can attract visitors and indirectly act as a supportive factor for the tourism industry. If this is incorporated in our country’s long term strategic plan, I am sure it will benefit our country.

I understand that each country has its own ideas which are different from others. We can learn from the progressive mindset of modernized and well-developed countries and build upon it.

Hainan island is very good at maintaining the ecosystem and is often called second Hawaii. It has bragged the second award in managing air pollution among 158 countries. It is a world class leisure island and tourist arrivals increase year by year.

The island has a well-developed tax system, financial system, education system, basic infrastructure for the port, security, organization operation, clear land-use law etc. which are the main reasons why investors and visitors go to this island.

We cannot benefit from observing others prosperity and development. We have to admit that our country is about 50 years late compared to any other country. Countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia are far ahead in their journey.

I am surprised to hear that Laos will be selling electric power to Myanmar. This is unfortunate. We are blessed with abundant natural resources from where we can generate our own power. However, we are not making proper utilisation of the same. We have to change our mindset to progress as a country.

The experiences of 21 days of training in Hainan Island provided us with the knowledge that will be valuable for our country. While landing in Yangon, on my way back, I promised myself that I will implement what I learned for the betterment of my country.

Translated by Ein Gyinn Khaing

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