Mon is a state in Myanmar which covers a narrow strip of land located between Kayin state to the east and the Andaman Sea to the west. The first recorded kingdom of Mon is attributed to Dvaravati which prospered around 1024 AD till their capital was sacked by the Khmer Empire. The region was conquered by the British in 1824 after the first Anglo-Burmese War. The Mon people helped the British in the war, in return for promises of their own leadership once Burma is defeated. Thousands of Mons had migrated to Siam earlier but returned to their homeland during the British rule. However, the promise was never fulfilled and Mon existed as a colony of the British. Mon has a tropical climate since it is located close to the sea. Currently, Mon has about 8 notable cities and two islands. It is home to the Mon people who are the ethnic group of the state. They are one of the earliest people to reside in Southeast Asia. They speak the earliest people to live in southeast Asia.
Lineage – Mon, Bamar, Anglo-Burmese, Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Rakhine, Shan, Burmese-Thai. Language spoken – Mon, Kayin, Bamar. Religion followed – Buddhism, Christianity
Climate – Tropical climate. Region borders – Kayin State , Andaman Sea, Bago Region Tanintharyi Region and Thailand. Region size – 12,296.6 sq km/ 4,747.7 sqmi
State capital – Mawlamying. Home to the Mon People. 2.05 million population (2014)
Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda, known as Golden Rock was built in 574 B.C. Located 229 km from Yangon, the pagoda is built on a huge boulder which stands on the extreme edge of the cliff, 1095m above sea level. The rock and the pagoda are at the top of Mt. KyaikHteeYoe. It is the third most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in Myanmar after the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon and Mahamuni Pagoda in Mandalay.
Kyaik Paw Law Pagoda is located in Kyaikhto township. It is well-known for the living mole on the face of the Buddha image which is offered with golden foil. The eyes of the image are lively. Legend says that efforts were made to move the image through elephants, horses and men but could not be moved. The image is said to be floating on water and always faces the direction of Sri Lanka.
The Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda believed to have been built in the 5th century B.C enshrines four tooth-relics of the Gautama Buddha and eight hair relics of Kakusana Buddha. The pagoda also houses items of Gonaguna Buddha, emerald alms bowl of Kassapa Buddha in addition to several gold images. This three storied conical structure is an interesting place to get a perspective about Buddhism.
A Buddhist shrine located right opposite Win Sein Taw Ya is Kyauktalone Taung. The pagoda is located atop an interesting flat limestone rock formation 300 feet in height. Reaching the top requires a steep climb.
A Buddhist shrine located right opposite Win Sein Taw Ya is Kyauktalon Taung. The pagoda is located atop an interesting flat limestone rock formation 300 feet in height. Reaching the top requires a steep climb and hence is recommended for physically fit people only.
60 Kilometres to the south of Mawlamyine lies Thanbyuzayat, a town with the atmospheric memorials to the 100,000 POWs and civilians who perished at the hands of the Japanese during the construction of the ‘death railway’ during WW II. The railway was made infamous by the epic 1957 film ‘Bridge on the River Kwai’.
Mawlamyine is the capital of Mon State. It has an illustrious past as the erstwhile capital of the British Empire. The city has featured in a number of famous literary work. The city is charmful providing a diverse mix of Buddhism and colonial architecture, the depictions of which can be seen in local products and traditions. Kyaik Than Lan pagoda, built in 875 AD is the landmark of this town.
Kyaik Ka Mi is a coastal resort town in the Mon State. Located around 48 kilometres south of Mawlamyine, it is a popular destination for tourists looking forward to enjoying the sea. The town is famous for the Kyaik Ka Mi Yele Pagoda which attracts pilgrims to this town too. Still untouched, this town is ideal to get away from the crowd and enjoy a few days of peace.
A notable beach of Myanmar, Setse beach is a wide brown sand beach where tourists can enjoy the sea. It is located 24 kilometres south of Kyaik Ka Mi and 16 kilometres south-west of Thanbyuzayut. The beach is lined by waving casuarinas trees. Tourists can enjoy juice of fresh young coconut and gorge on the delicious seafood served at the local joints.
Bilu island is worth a visit to see the well-preserved and distinctive Mon culture. It is a large island hosting around 60 villages. The most common livelihood on this island is rubber and paddy plantation. It is also home to a large number of cottage industries. A boat trip to this island is rewarding due to the warm and friendly people as well as natural diversity.
A short boat ride away towards the north-west of Mawlamyaing is the Gaungsay Kyun Island. The island was originally called Head Wash Island due to the yearly royal hair washing ceremony during the Inwa period. The island is considered as a good picnic spot now. Tourists can enjoy a lazy day amidst nature here.
Thaton is a town in Mon State located on the Tenasserim plains. It was the capital of Thaton Kingdom from around the 4th century BC to 11th Century AD and is considered to be the birthplace of Theravada Buddhism established around 2500 years ago.
The Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda Festival is a special festival of lights celebrated at the pagoda on the full moon day of Thadingyut. The locals offer 9000 lighted candles and 9000 flowers to Buddha on the full moon night. Next morning, rice, sweets and other snacks are offered to the Lord. The festival usually falls in October, although it is dependant on the lunar calendar. It is attended by thousands of local and foreigners.
This festival is celebrated throughout the country on a full moon day after the rains. Since the monks need new robes after the rains, on the full moon day, new robes are offered to the mons along with other offerings which include slippers, umbrellas, alms bowls, food, towels, soap and other necessities.
This is the most interesting and greatest occasion for merry-making in the country. During the Thingyan Festival, people pour water over one another to the melodious tunes of singing and dancing at the decorated pavilions. During these auspicious days, Myanmar people perform a lot of meritorious deeds to usher in the New Year.