Nay Pyi Taw, August (5)
The Executive Committee Meeting (2/2019) of the Kayah State Tourism Committee was heldin the Kayah State Government Office on August 2, 2019.
Present at the meeting are Kayah State Chief Minister U L PhaungSho, Chairman of Kayah State Tourism Committee, Minister for Planning and Budget, U Maw Maw, Vice-chairman of Committee, U Lin ZawHtut, responsible official of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (Kayah Branch), Secretary of State Tourism Committee, Committee members and departmental officials.
At the meeting, Secretary of State Tourism Committee presented a report complementing the implementation, based on previous decisions at the committee meeting (1/2019), relating to hotels, guesthouse, travel agencies and tour guide matters. The Secretary also commended the arrangements made, to open four hospitality training courses, Chinese and Thai language training courses and to explore new destinations within Kayah State.
The next speaker, U ThanHtwe, a private expert on the committee discussed the situation regarding Kayah State tourism development, creating locally produced handicrafts and exploring new destinations.
Then, the Kayah State Chief Minister spokeabout the achievements of the Committee and presented the relevant officials with a Printer Copier and Scanner Fax for checking international visitors’passport and visa at Loikaw Airport.