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한-아세안 팸투어(미얀마)

한- 아세안센터는 미얀마 호텔관광부(Ministry of Hotels and Tourism)와 공동으로 12월 3일부터 12월 7일까지 미얀마에서 팸투어를 진행하였다. 이번 팸투어에는 ‘네이버 여행 플러스’, ‘론리 플래닛’, ‘트레비’, ‘글랜스 TV’ 등 총 4개의 한국 미디어 팀이 참가하여 미얀마의 양곤, 바간, 인레 호수를 심도 있게 조명하며 미얀마의 전통적인 모습 뿐 만 아니라 현대적인 모습을 담았다.
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Collaborative Meeting held regarding the development of Sport and Gastronomy Tourism in Myanmar

Nay Pyi Taw, 26th August 2019 Tourism is always looking for new markets and product development ideas and on the 26th August a meeting was held in Nay Pyi Taw at the Ministryof Hotels and Tourism,to lookinto the development of Sport and Gastronomy tourism in Myanmar. The meeting was held under the joint leadership of...
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Bringing tranquility back to Shan State

August 22, 2019, Ministry of Hotels & Tourism, Nay Pyi Taw: The serenity of the scenic hill town of Pyin Oo Lwin Township and Naung Cho Township has returned after attacks in the two townships. The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, under the directorate of the Deputy Director U Thet Lin and assistant director U...
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State Counsellor attends opening ceremony of ASEAN Food Festival 2019 in Mandalay

State Counsellor attends opening ceremony of ASEAN Food Festival 2019 in Mandalay STATE Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended the opening ceremony of the ASEAN Food Festival 2019 held at the Mandalay Convention Centre and launched the event by cutting a ceremonial ribbon. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Vice President U Henry...
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Executive Committee Meeting (2/2019) of Kayah State Tourism Committee was held

Nay Pyi Taw, August (5) The Executive Committee Meeting (2/2019) of the Kayah State Tourism Committee was heldin the Kayah State Government Office on August 2, 2019. Present at the meeting are Kayah State Chief Minister U L PhaungSho, Chairman of Kayah State Tourism Committee, Minister for Planning and Budget, U Maw Maw, Vice-chairman of...
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More International Tourists visit by their own motor vehicles

Nay Pyi Taw, August (5) The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is always seeking new markets and destinations in the development of the tourism industry in Myanmar. One of the roles of MoHT is to ensure the safety and comfort of overseas visitors and to make their visits memeorable and an experience they will remember...
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Ministry launches www.tourisminmyanmar. to facilitate vibrant tourism in emerging ASEAN Nation

Nay Pyi Taw, 31 August THE Ministry of Hotels and Tourism (MOHT) is launched a new portal as part of its efforts to reach travellers seeking a unique Asian experience. As tourism is an important economic feature with its activities contribute significantly to any country’s development goals, generating income and employment for its people,...
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Tourists are Visiting Myanmar through Tachileik Border Gate

Nay Pyi Taw, July(26) Tourists are continually visiting Myanmar to explore natural resources, tourist destinations, customs and traditions, lifestyles of different ethnic groups through International gateways and Border Gates. From July 19th to July 25th in 2019, it is known that there were (22120) tourists from Thailand and (313) tourists from third Countries on day...
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The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism Holds a Donation Ceremony of Appreciation on Baganbecoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Nay Pyi Taw, 22th July The granting of UNESCOWorld Heritage status is an event which happens very rarely. To honour this special occasion the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and leading tourism industry groups held a Donation ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw on the 22nd July 2019. The ceremony, was held in the Sapphire Hall...
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