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Mandalay Zone


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Tain Phyu Hotel H-0004 40 (57),coner of 23rd St; x 29thSt; East North Tsp. 02-32772/73
2 Hotel Venus H-0005 20 (221),28th St,Bet: of 80th St; x 81st St;Chanayethazan(East)Tsp. 02-561234162
3 Tiger Hotel H-0010 25 (628), 80th St; Bet: of 37th St: x 38th St: 02-33227/28
4 Palace Hotel H-0013 55 (267),80th St,Bet: of 32nd St; x 33rd St; 02-33145,36253/83
5 Power Hotel H-0076 70 (686),80th St,Bet: of 39th St; x 40th St;Maharaungmyay(East)Tsp. 02-32406/07,34877
6 Garden Hotel H-0081 32 (174),83th St,Bet: of 24th St: x 25th St: 02-31047,31884
7 New Great Wall Hotel H-0083 38 (249),33rd St,Bet: of 83rd St: x 84th St: Aungnanyeiktha Qr. 02-33159,33993,35649
8 New Star Hotel H-0085 27 (596),82nd St,Bet: of 27th St; x 28th St; 02-33273
9 Dream Hotel H-0096 20 (152),27thSt: Bet: of 80rd St; x 81st St;ChanayethazanTsp. 02-39921/22,60471
10 Myit Phyar Ayar Hotel H-0119 40 (556),80thSt: Bet: of 33rd St; x 34th St;Aungnanyeiktha Qr. 02-35210,35646
11 Bonaza Hotel H-0122 20 Coner: of 28thSt:  x  82nd St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-31031~ 4
12 Padamyar Nga Mauk Hotel H-0123 45 81St St, Bet: of 21St St;  x  22nd St;Ayngmyaythazan Tsp. 02-60643/644
13 Classic Hotel H-0126 35 (59),23rdSt: Bet: of  83rd St;  x  84th St; 02-25635,32841
14 Unity Hotel H-0128 40 Coner: of  82nd St; x 27thSt; East North Tsp. 02-35142,35315,33467
15 Hu Kaung Hotel H-0134 26 (170), Coner: of  31stSt; x 82ndSt; 02-34286/99
16 Nylon Hotel H-0137 57 (171), Corner of  83rd x 25th St. 02-33460/60757/65666
17 Fortune Hotel H-0140 20 (182), 31st St.,Bet: 82nd x 83rd St. 02-66548,35821
18 Parami Hotel H-0141 25 (67), 84th St.; Bet: 28th x 29th St. 02-28284,33897
19 Shwe Nyaung Pyin Lay Hotel H-0142 42 Corner of  82nd x 41st Stree. 02-26500,36588,36324
20 Ever Treasure Hotel H-0149 20 (46), Aungmyaytharzan Tsp. 02-35058,35929,36033
21 Road to Mandalay H-0155 43 (39/C),Tawin St;Dagon Tsp.Yangon 01-229860
22 Mercure Mandalay Hill Resort H-0176 206 (9),10th St, at the foot of Mandalay Hill. 02-35638,35870
23 Glaxy Hotel H-0184 21 81stSt, Bet: 31st x 32nd St. 02-32905,32886
24 Sein Sein Hotel H-0188 59 8stSt.; Bet: 32nd St x 33rdSt. 02-31617, 21191,64601
25 E . T Hotel H-0208 36 (129),83rdSt: Bet: 23rd St: x 24th St. 02-65006,66547
26 Pacific Hotel H-0209 120 Block(624),Corner of 30th x 78th St. 02-32506/507/08
27 Ahkyitaw Hotel 79 (Mother World ‘s Hotel) H-0212 30 (58),79th St; Bet: 27th x 28th St. 02-33627,33880,66519
28 AD-1 Hotel H-0219 27 (38), Aindawyar Bridge St: Bet: 87thx88thSt. 02-34505/508
29 Dynasty  Hotel H-0226 25 (304),81st St: Bet: 24th x 25th St. 02-35801,61689
30 Victoria Hotel H-0230 20 (176),31st St: Bet; 82nd x 83rd St. 02-31588,31678
31 Universal King Hotel H-0234 40 (176), 82nd St. 02-36274,38745
32 Universe Hotel H-0236 72 (215),83rd St,Bet: 27th x 28th St. 02-33245/46/47,38596
33 Silver Swan Hotel H-0244 37 Block(566), Aung Nan Yeiktha(East). 02-36333,32178
34 Hilton Mandalay Hotel (Sedona Hotel) H-0268 300 Junction of  26th x 66th St, Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-36488/01-666900
35 Ya Htike Hotel H-0278 43 (110),73rd St, Bet : 20thx29th St. 02-24588,24242
36 Mandalay Royal Hotel H-0282 20 (5), 71st St.; 29th x 30th St. 02-23702,36746,38102
37 The Prince Air Port Hotel Mdy H-0290 50 Near Airport,Chanmyatharzan Tsp. 02-38748,38749
38 Royal City Hotel H-0347 20 (130),27th St, Bet: 76th x 77th 02-31805,28299
39 Mya Mandalar Hotel H-0364 42 Corner of 27×69, Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-30009/10,60596
40 Mandalay Swan Hotel H-0391 112 (44-B), 26th St:, Bet: 66th St X 68th St;Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-31619,31591
41 Zaycho Hotel H-0402 79 84th St, Bet: 27th x 28th St, South building of Zaycho Market. 02-39494,39495
42 Wood Land Hotel H-0432 30 (417), Ahniketawyat Aungmyaytharzan Tsp. 092000578
43 Sunrise Hotel H-0482 42 (195),Corner: 35th St, Bet: 77th x78th St,Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-65739,39470,39872
44 Aung Myint Moh Hotel H-0488 77 Corner:Yangon-Mandalay Rd; x Kywe Sae` Kan Bus Compound. 02-80601,80596
45 Silver Star Hotel H-0489 48 (195), Corner: 83 rd St. & 27 th St. 02-28251,38207
46 Shwe Mandalay Hotel H-0494 10 (78-C),19 th St,Ahnheiktaw Qr, Aungmyaytharzan Tsp. 02-61488
47 Great Wall Hotel H-0516 107 Block(901),Chanayetharzi(North)Qr,Mahaungmyay Tsp. 02- 68461
48 Mandalay City Hotel H-0520 67 80th St; Bet : 82nd x 83rd St,Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-61700 ~ 4
49 Yupa Mandalar Hotel H-0526 46 Bet:53rdx30thSt, Kanout Qr,Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-61555
50 Hotel Mandalay H-0532 83 Block(652),78th St, Bet: 37thx38th St. 02-38207
51 The Hotel By The Red Canal H-0541 25 (417), Corner:63th St x 22ndSt, Aungmyaythazan  Tsp. 02-61177,61464
52 Padonmar Hotel H-0549 32 (Ma-1),14thSt, Theikpan St,Bet: 64th x 65thSt,Maharaungmyay Tsp. 02-34943/47,65855
53 Great Hotel H-0553 32 (45),39th St, Bet:79th x 80th St. 02-34209
54 Golden City Crown H-0572 44 (747),30thSt,Bet: 70th x71th St,Yanmyolone Qr,ChanayethazanTsp. 02-61516,389415
55 Thazin Pan Hotel H-0602 16 (130/10),27thSt x 28th St,Bet:76th St x 77thSt,Haymarzala Qr. 095152131
56 Hotel Queen H-0626 92 (456),8th St: x 33th St:Aungnan Yeiktha (East)Qr. 02-71562
57 Nine Myint Moh Hotel H-0638 20 Block(909/G/410),Kywesae` Kan (9)St:Pyigyitagon Tsp. 02-70279/59805
58 Hotel Shwe Pyi Tha H-0648 99 Kanout Qr,(B-8),Pyinoolwin Rd:Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-65156
59 Ayeyar Waddy River View Hotel H-0663 64 Bet:22nd St x 26th St,Myopat Strand Rd,Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-74401,65015
60 Lucky Hotel H-0682 40 (152),84th St, Bet: 31st St x 32nd St,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-65183,21735
61 Royal Power Hotel H-0686 59 Block(613),Bet: 27thSt x28th St,Haymarzala Qr,Chanayethazan. 09 2057718 / 58
62 Emeral Land Hotel H-0728 40 (9),14th St., Bet: 87th x 88th St. 02-39471/72,60697
63 Golden Country Hotel H-0731 102 115,65thSt, Bet:31thSt x32nd St,Chanayethazan. 02-72002/02-74662
64 Aung Shun Lei Hotel H-0738 34 #617, 354, 76thSt, Bet: 28th x29th St,Haymazala Qr, 02-68401, 68402
65 East Mandalay Hotel H-0746 31 799,Bet: 26×27 St,62 St: Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-74009
66 Shwe Ingyin Hotel H-0747 59 619, Coner of 30×78 St;Haymarzala Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-73464,73465
67 Smart Hotel H-0749 28 167, 28 St; Bet:76×77 St;Haymarzala Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-32682,32552
68 The Hotel Emperor Mandalay H-0764 23 (54),Bet: 26×27 St: 74 St; Seittramahi Qr;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-68748/72432/74393/74427
69 Shwe Phyu Hotel H-0766 160 Bet: 39×40 St; 64 St; Mahamyaing(1)Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-420329311/322
70 Kyi Tin Hotel H-0767 40 (245), Bet: 31×32 St; (80)St; Kitzanamahi Qr; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-23715/34330/32995
71 City Grand Hotel H-0778 30 66 St; Bet: of Tikepan St: & 43 St:Mhamyine(1)Qr;Mahaaungmyae Tsp. 02-62571,77458
72 Gold Yadanar Hotel H-0779 49 111,34 St:, Bet: of 77 St: & 78 St:Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-71204,71048,61742
73 Hotel Yadanarbon H-0780 58 65/B,31 St:, Bet: of 76 St: &77 St:Kitzanamahi Qr; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-71999,74035,64633
74 Hotel Rich Queen H-0787 20 Bet:26×27 St; & Bet: 58x59St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-74667
75 Hotel My World H-0789 33 30 St: , Bet: 73×74 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-30841/842
76 7 9 Living Hotel H-0790 25 62/ Bet:29×30 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-32277,02-30601
77 Kaung Wai Hotel H-0793 50 147/Coner of 29×82 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-22452/0931551824
78 Aung Gyi Soe Hotel H-0796 59 42 St; Bet: 66×67 St: Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-77886/77536
79 Paragon Hotel H-0797 30 Bet: 65×66 St; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-82103/104
80 Hotel Mahar H-0802 24 171/ 24 St; Bet: 83×84 St: Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-22854/011-201534
81 New Ayeyar Hotel (Mandalay) H-0803 40 678/35 St: Bet:74×75 St:Mahaaungmyay Rsp. 02-71778/0949576866
82 Great Memory Hotel H-0804 27 117-B,77 St: Bet: 28x29St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-66357/30798
83 Good Time Hotel H-0831 29 49,Yadanarbon St; Bet: of 22St: x 23St: AungmyaythazanTsp; 02-61121,61123,09259034012
84 Shwe Htee Hotel(Mandalay) H-0833 87 (Nya-1+2+3+4 )/ Sabe St; (1)Qr; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-82182/82137
85 Man Myo Taw Hotel H-0838 48 565, 84 st: Bet: of 32St:x33St: Aungnanyeiktha Qr, Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-22625,33526
86 Taw Win Myanmar Hotel H-0839 42 583, 80 St: Bet: of 29St:x30St: East Qr: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-35055/35909/0991044239
87 Shwe Pyi Tan Hotel H-0851 35 227,26 st; Bet: of 91st x 92st : Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-31634
88 Royal Diamond Hotel H-0852 48 634,77 st: Bet: of 33 st x 34 st:Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-30869
89 M 3 Hotel H-0857 42 108,Aungmyay Thazan Tsp. 02-65526/67171/72
90 Hotel Rama H-0862 39 54, 28 St: Bet: of 73St:x74St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-64530/67227
91 Shwe Ye Mon Hotel H-0867 60 19-20,53 St; Bet: of 38 St x 39 St: Maha Aungmyay Tsp. 02-77162/77542
92 Yadanapon Dynasty Hotel H-0868 80 413-B,65 St: Bet: of  27 St: x 28 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-21443/61295
93 Yadana Theingi Hotel H-0869 80 189, 83 St: Bet: of  26 St: x 27 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-35096/73284
94 Good Golden Dream Hotel H-0870 27 255,Bet: of 30 x 31 St: Bet: of 89 x 90 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-60911
95 Hotel 7 6 H-0883 73 434, 76 St : Bet: of 32×33 st: Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-67083~87 , 09-9102281
96 May Kha Hotel H-0886 34 745, 72 St; Bet: of 31×32 St; Yanmyolone Qr, Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-71549,09-25045981
97 Hotel Moe Thee H-0889 32 257, North of Haymamarlar Qr, Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-67211/12,09-448005277
98 Hotel Victory H-0892 20 #121/122-B, 44 St; Bet: of 60×61 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-77300/095018244/095010048
99 Mingalar Hotel H-0894 49 40, 23 St: Bet: of 88×89 St: Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-67811/67312
100 Night Sweet Hotel H-0896 25 coner of 66 x 40 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-39715/77499/01 1202149
101 Rising Venus Hotel H-0898 31 Bet: of 70 x 71 St; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-62000/62061
102 Royal Pearl Hotel H-0903 25 #5945, N0.196, 29 St; Bet: of 80×81 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-65249/67409
103 Bagan Min Hotel H-0905 29 44, Corner of 73×28 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-67123/24125
104 Dingar Hotel H-0906 50 #698/699,35 St; Bet: of 72x73St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-73062/77753/77672
105 Hotel United(Mandalay) H-0909 56 Corner: of 19 x 64 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-74176/61358
106 City Joy Hotel H-0912 20 514/4, 28 st: Bet: of 57_58 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09 40265885
107 Blue Moon Hotel H-0916 30 Na Na.14/Pyigyitagon Tsp. 02-5152496/5152497
108 Royal Land Hotel H-0917 23 #3/56 St; Bet; of Theikpan St & Ywar Lae St; Chanmyathasi Tsp. 02-62400/09 2007822
109 the Hotel 78 H-0933 32 #902,coner of Theikpan St;x78 St; Chanmyathasi Tsp. 02-76608/76536
110 Mandalar May Hotel H-0936 22 684,37 St; Bet; of 73×74 St;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-64064
111 Hotel A 1 H-0939 26 566, corner of 32×83 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-35736
112 Yuan Sheng Hotel H-0940 64 643, 35 St; Bet: of 77x78St:Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-67404
113 Diamond Rise Business Hotel H-0953 45 #603, 243, 26-B St; 82×83 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-34762/09259205458
114 Win Star Hotel H-0962 53 513, 41 St; Bet: of 83×84 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-61908/02-35781
115 Tiger One Hotel H-0969 37 625, 31 St; Bet: of 76×77 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-74467/69968
116 Hotel Victory Point H-0974 45 #582, A/377, 81 St; Bet: of 30×31, Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-72896
117 Triumph Hotel(atmifjrifjcif;[dkw,f) H-0982 46 #119~125, 26 St; Bet: of 55×56 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-61145/61146/61147/61148
118 Hotel Amazing Mandalay H-0983 20 #620, 78 St; Bet: of 29×30 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-67411/67433
119 Hotel Wonderland H-0989 34 U Ping No.(A-18)(Ta-7),Myathit(1)Qr,Chanmyathasi Tsp. 02-77100,02-78525
120 Hotel Wilson H-0990 90 U Ping No.(31-C)(900),78th St.;Bet: 42ndx43rd St,Maharaungmyay Tsp. 02-76680~7
121 Oway Grand Hotel H-0998 49 U PingNo.(31-C/23)78thSt;Bet:30thx31stSt,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-73295,09-4201171181
122 Htal Wah Hotel H-1002 62 (56),Aung Nan Yeikthar Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-35118,02-22785
123 Mandalay White House Hotel H-1008 25 19-Rd, Nanoolwin Village,Pathein Gyi Tsp. 02-58031~32
124 Shwe Ye Mon Hotel H-1017 21 Aquat No.(30),Cornor of 65 & Thazin St,Chanayethasi Tsp. 02-62013/24,09-2011489
125 T T One Hotel H-1020 30 #(514/10), 57 St; Bet: of 25x26St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-258584675/092059414
126 Sun Winner Hotel H-1023 37 #595, 28 St; Bet; of 80×81 St;  Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-68118967/09-797368688
127 Hotel Sahara H-1025 29 #605, 80 St; Bet: of 26×27 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-67313/09-250199965
128 Golden City Light Hotel H-1026 33 No.50/#640,77 St; Bet: of 34×35 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-69929
129 The Home Hotel H-1027 100 #568, 82 St; Bet: of 32×33 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-33702/60218
130 Mandalay Karaweik Mobile Hotel H-1031 39 #320, Bet: of 32×33 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-5143902
131 Kaung Myint Hotel H-1034 29 (502/A),80 St; Bet: of 30×31 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-67378,09-2001413,09792997468
132 Yar Shin Hotel H-1055 58 MEC No.(C-3), #(2), Ygn-Mdy High Way Rd;Pyigyitagon Tsp. 09-2023584/09-5154258
133 Hotel Mega Stars H-1058 21 MEC No(29/Sa),#(415-N),80 St; Bet: of 81 St; x Myopat Rd;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-75711/02-75661/09-6802134
134 Hotel 8 H-1061 29 MEC No.(54-C),#(592),29 St; Bet : of 82×83 St;,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-31448/09-9101333809-91018883
135 Hotel Hazel H-1066 118 #(Ma-68/1), 53 St; Bet : of 36×37 St; South of Yemon Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-67423~6
136 Royal Naung Yoe Hotel H-1067 34 #(414/1), Bet: of 65×66 St; Bet : of 33×34 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-74647,02-74054,02-68849
137 Hotel Iceland H-1082 30 #(112),Bet: of 22 St; Bet: of 89x90St;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-64815,02-72742,09-91008361
138 Eastern Palace Hotel H-1090 88 #417,19 St; Bet: of 57X58 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-61015~20
139 Hotel G-Seven H-1096 40 No-58,#640,77 St; Bet: of 34x35St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-60164,02-33328,09-9104588
140 Nice Dream Hotel H-1105 45 81 St; Bet : of 40x41St;Maha Aung Myay Tsp. 02-72680,09-978889823
141 Perfect Hotel H-1107 48 MEC No.(5/6/7/8),#(Ma-11),Corner of Science St:x59 St; 09-785999011/785999411
        Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-785999611/785999711~811
142 R.V Anawrahta Myanmar H-1115 23 Shwe Phyu Plaza,(Room-D-140/A),First Fl; Chanayethazan Tsp, Mandalay. 09-797276203
143 Man Shwe Li Hotel H-1123 37 Bet : of 31×32 St; Bet : 83×84 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-258949358,09-797830304
144 The Link 83 Mandalay Boutique Hotel H-1132 33 83 St; Bet : of 27×28 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-69035~41
145 Palace View Hotel H-1137 20 26 St; Bet : of 75 x 76 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-68994/09-96759599
146 The Link 78 Mandalay Boutique Hotel H-1141 59 31 St; Bet : of 77×78 St; Coner of 31×78 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-23120,23609,23617,23731
147 Shwe Hnin Si Hotel H-1142 44 Bet : of 58×59 St; 43 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-62050,62099,62077
148 Hotel Marvel H-1149 90 corner of 78×38 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-67455~66~77~88~99
149 A Little Bit of Mandalay Hotel H-1155 24 #(A-4), 28St; Bet; of 52×53 St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-797735545/09-43110694
150 Myat Nan Yone Hotel H-1156 73 #(737), Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-30160/02-69260~64
151 Haw Shwe Hotel H-1159 25 #556, 33 St; Bet: of 80x81St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-33461, 09-5261864
152 Amara Nadi Hotel H-1167 38 Corner of 60St;xNgu Shwe Wah St: Chanmyathazi Tsp. 09-33143566/09-979010431
153 Great Chan Hotel H-1176 26 Near Khaing Shwe Wah,73 St; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 0997773000609776000000
154 Hotel Sakura Princess H-1203 92 #761, 67 St; Bet : of 32×33 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-2839294~96
155 King Park Hotel H-1224 43 MEC No(41+42),#(743), 72 St; Bet: of 33×34 St; Yan Myo Lone 02-60028,
        Qr, Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-25758885,09962055088
156 Victoria Palace Hotel H-1225 74 MEC No(29-C), #(720), 73 St; Bet: of 28×29 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-456848467
157 R.V Scenic Aura Luxury Cruise H-1229 22 No(1209-A/12 Floor), West of Shwegondine Rd; Bahan Tsp. 01-558411,01-559218
158 Hotel Magic Mandalay H-1230 83 MEC(16),#(1),Bet: of 65 St;x Padauk St; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-2848405/406/407
159 Golden Hotel H-1244 131 #B-15,33-St,U Pine No(1-D),Bet 53x54Rd,Kankouk Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp. 09 788345678
160 R.V Strand Cruise H-1252 28 Mahaaungmyay Tsp.  
161 Hotel Yadanaroo H-1262 34 No(676), #(417), 22St ; Bet: of 65×66 St;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09256333842
162 Hotel Yi Link H-1267 83 MEC No(78-B/79),#(159),No(87), 22St: Bet: of 83St:x84St:Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-66102~4
163 Danapyaesone Hotel H-1268 22 MEC No(54),#(88/2), Bet: of 55St: x Minyarzar St;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-2832379,02-2832454,09-2023797
164 Hotel 62 H-1269 29 MEC No(B1+B2),#(Pa-5),44St: Bet: of 61St:x62St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-2848119,02-36168
165 Gold Leaf Hotel H(MDY)-0283 70 #(643); 36 St; Bet : of 77x78St: Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-33140/23005/34636/30855
166 Silver City Hotel H-1288 36 #(734), 29 St: Bet: of 71x72St:Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-2848063~64
167 The Hotel Nova H-1289 54 #(575); 32St; Bet: of 85x86St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-66183/60215/31284
168 Win Unity Hotel (Thiri Thitsar Hotel) H-1304 90 MEC No(109-D);#(417),Corner of 22 St; x 64 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-4061070,02-4061076~77
169 Hotel Apex Mandalay H-1306 107 MEC No(90);#(514/1); 35 St; Bet: of 58×59 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-2848255~299
170 Shwe Thit Pin  Hotel H-1313 30 MEC No(4+5); #(Na-6); 41 St; Bet: of 64×65 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-42661888709-426618889
171 Mandalay Lodge Hotel(Nwe Waddy Hotel) H-1326 65 #(417), 58 St; Bet: of 22×23 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-979581111~2222~3333
172 Bagan Mingalar Hotel H-1350 22 #(414); 60St; Bet: of 34×35 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-2847471,02-2832338,09-77777350
173 Hotel Ye` Myanmar H-1352 55 MEC No(53/54/61), Corner of 68 x 43 St ; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-2832038,02-2832014,02-2832052
174 Hotel Boss (Mandalay) H-1361 32 26 St: Bet : of 91x91St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-4060067,02-4064342,09-429499937
175 Relax Mandalay Hotel H-1367 24 26 St; Bet : of 57 x 58 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-772250555, 09-954522505
176 Sunset Palace Hotel H(MDY)-0302 29 Corner of 59x41St;South of Ye`mon Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-455555601~605
177 Pullman Mandalay Mingalar Hotel H(MDY)-0303 358 73St: Bet: of Thazin St: & Ngu Shwewah St;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-2000300
178 Ritz Grand Hotel H(MDY)-0306 70 42St: Bet: of 60x61St;Mahamyine(2);Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-2848112~118
179 Shwe Tat Tay Inn Hotel H(MDY)-0308 28 Bet: of Kandawgyi Pat St: & Myo Pat St:Chanmyathazi Tsp. 09-764787859
180 Grand Park Hotel H(MDY)-0309 72 84 St: Bet: of 39x40St;West of Mahaaungmayay Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-4060277/288/299
181 Ruby Myanmar Hotel H(MDY)-0311 54 80St;Bet: of 36x37St;North of Haymamarlar Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-898200070
182 Arrow Hotel H(MDY)-0316 30 Sagaing St; Tampawadi Qr;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 09-400877791
183 Harmony Hotel H(MDY)-0318 24 41St;Bet: of 83x84St;West of Mahaaungmyay Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-4076797,09-91035921
184 Sanctuary Hotel H(MDY)-0320 35 78St;Bet: of 36x37St;North of Haymamarlar Qr;Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-4060554
185 Royal Mingalar Hotel H(MDY)-0325 52 73St;Bet: of Theikpan St & Ngu Shwe Wah St;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 09-970343355
186 Hotel 31 H(MDY)-0326 24 31St;Bet: of 75x76St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-259702008
187 Hotel KKT H(MDY)-0329 20 Bet: of 59x60St; Bet; of 37x38St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp.
188 Orient Hotel H(MDY)-0331 30 27 St; Bet: of 79x80St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-962023185
189 Jin Chen Hotel H(MDY)-0332 120 36 St; Bet: of 71×72 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09-951638888
190 80 Hotel H(MDY)-0333 48 80 St; Bet; 28×29 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-458904356
191 Hotel Royal Queen H(MDY)-0335 35 89 St; Bet: of 19×20 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-427688887,09-766588887
192 Capital Hotel H(MDY)-0336 49 Corner of 30×84 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-402672788,09-899884881~883
193 Golden Key Hotel H(MDY)-0337 33 Bet: of 67×68 St; Pyigyitagon Tsp. 09-798681093
194 Hotal Jack H(MDY)-0341 24 Corner of 30×66 St; Pyigyimyatshin Qr; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-9962971133
195 Mandalay Hill View (MHV) Hotel H(MDY)-0342 20 Corner of 66×30 St; Pyigyimyatshin Qr; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-750194134~36
196 Majestic Hotel H(MDY)-0349 40 Corner of 12×76 St; Aungmyaythasan Tsp. 09-953117612
197 Hotel Homey H(MDY)-0351 40 64St;Bet: of 27x28St;Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-4030450
198 Silver Mountain Hotel H(MDY)-0352 20 81St; Bet: of 37×38 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp 02-4000042
199 Hotel Royal Rose Hotel H(MDY)-0353 24 Ygn-Mdy Rd; Chanmyathasi Qr; Pyigyitagon Tsp. 09-444030162
200 Hotel theHeaven H(MDY)-0354 45 24St; Bet: of 58x60St; Aungmyaythasan Tsp. 09-752341202
201 Shwe Hintha Hotel H(MDY)-0356 43 55 St; Bet: of 39x40St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-400507~09
202 Shwe Man Manaw Hotel H(MDY)-0357 54 Corner of Manawhary & 59St;Chanmyathasi Tsp 09-405126644~55
203 Gold Hotel H(MDY)-0365 21 Corner of Theikpan & 56 St; Kanthaya Qr; Chanmyathasi Tsp.
204 Hotel Sweet H(MDY)-0366 36 79 St; Bet: of 29&30St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-407112,09-977999022
205 Dragon Phoenix Hotel H(MDY)-0367 71 31 St; Bet: of 79×80 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-898989466~477~488
206 Shwe Piti Hotel H(MDY)-0372 39 Bet: of 52×53 St; Bet: of  27×28 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-777862225
207 Hotel Bella (တ မှ ဟ) (T-0531) H(MDY)-0374 38 #406, South of Than Lyhat Qr,Chanmyathazi Tsp. 029779998866/09444038781
208 San Hla Hotel H(MDY)-0375 61 Bet: of 58x59St; Pyigyitagon Tsp. 02-80538
209 Aurora Hotel H(MDY)-0376 24 87 St; Bet: of 26×27 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-4064524,09-954064524
210 Hotel City Point H(MDY)-0378 38 77St; Bet: of 32×33 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 02-4024499
211 Hotel City Heart H(MDY)-0379 40 66St;Bet: of Khaing Shwe Wah & Manawhary St; Chanmyathasi Tsp. 02-78701
212 Yadana Mon Hotel H(MDY)-0385 60 41St; Bet:of  84×85 St;West of Mahaaungmyay Qr; Mahaaungmyay Tsp.
213 Royal Peacock Hotel H(MDY)-0388 49 83 St; Bet : of 22×23 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp.
214 Hotel Nat Thar H(MDY)-0390 73 Shwe Kyat Yat Village Group; Amarapura.
215 Sein Lae Myaing Hotel H(MDY)-0391 20 27 St; Bet: of 65×66 St; Chanayethazan Tsp.
216 Hotel New York H(MDY)-0392 40 Htun Tone Qr; Chanmyathasi Tsp
217 Yellow Hotel H(MDY)-0393 35 32 St; Bet: of 68×69 St;  Chanayethazan Tsp.
218 Nawarat Hotel H(MDY)-0395 21 40 St; Bet: of 65×66 St; Mahamyaing(1)Qr; Mahaaungmyay Tsp.
219 Shwe Pyi Hein Hotel H(MDY)-0396 42 7 St; Chanmyathaya Qr; Pyigyitagon Tsp.
220 Mandalar May One Hotel H(MDY)-0400 46 37 St; Mahanwesin Qr; Mahaaungmyay Tsp.
221 Hlaing Thit Hotel H(MDY)-0409 63 No(418),#No(605),80th Rd,between 26×27 st, Chanayethazan Tsp.  
222 Akyi Taw Hotel H(MDY)-0418 48 #No(667),77st,bet: of 27×28 st,Haymarzala Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp 09-5030610
223 Hotel A Plus H(MDY)-0419 54 U Paing No(21-b),62st,Corner of Science Road & Padauk Road, 09-402791693
         Myothit (1) Ward, Chan Mya Thar Si Township  
224 Hotel Duo Swan H(MDY)-0420 21 U Paing No(158),37 st,bet: of 66×67 st,Mahar AungMyay Tsp 09-773935566/09-797272749
225 Hotel De Selin H(MDY)-0432 41 U Paing No(99/5),Kyantaung aung st,NannOoLwin Village,Pathein kyi Tsp 09-777779998
226 Padamyar Hotel H(MDY)-0441 22 No(23),shwe hlan bo st,bet: of 66x66st,(I)QR,Pyikyitakon Tsp 09-454545337
227 EASE Hotel H(MDY)-0443 75 #No(812-A),Pyikyimyatshin Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp 09-775247540
228 Sabae Phyu Guest House T-0005 43 (58), 81st Street;25th x 26th Street,Pyikyikyatthayae Tsp. 02-32297,64506
229 Mandalay Viwe Inn T-0080 12 (17/B), 66th St, Bet: 26th x 27th St,Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-61116, 31219
230 Peacock Lodge T-0102 6 Mye Padetha Rd,Yaysitkan(South). 02-22092, 33411
231 Shwe Wah Guest House(Royal Guest House) T-0131 18 (41), 25th St.; Bet: 82nd x 83rd St. 02-22905, 31400
232 Man Myanmar Guest House T-0273 12 Block(802), Bet: 65th x66thSt,Chanayetharzan Tsp. 02-35604,32309
233 Point Guest House T-0306 20 87thSt,Bet:35thSt x36thSt,Maharaungmyay Tsp. 02-34369,32531
234 Mann Taung Yeik Guest House T-0314 8 45/B,75thSt, Bet:10thSt x11st St,Upoptaw Qr,Aungmyaythazan. 02-72424/09-9926181
235 Khant Htel Guest House T-0344 22 213,77thSt, Bet:33thSt x34th St,Chanayethazan. 02-66721,21394
236 Shwe Taung Tan Guest House T-0347 14 #(415/Na-2),(14)St: Bet: 88 x 89 Rd;Aungmyaetharzan Tsp. 02-75405
237 Rich Queen Guest House T-0353 20  Bet: 87 x 27 Rd; East of Thirihaymar Qr; ChanayetharzanTsp. 02-60172
238 Super Light Guest House T-0367 10 (18/B),59 St; Bet: of Manawhari St & Khain Shwe Wah, Chanmyathasi 0991023404/09402522749
239 Ma Ma Guest House T-0388 12 (5/B),60 St; Bet: of 25 St & 26 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-33411,011201440
240 Yadana Yoma Inn T-0394 16 (119/24-A),41 St; Bet: of 78 St & 79 St; Maha AungmyayTsp. 02-76611/12/13
241 Man Shwe Myanmar Guest House T-0396 50 76,30 st; Bet: of 76 st x 77 st,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-74293/21669
242 Royal Ruby Land Inn T-0416 10 #700, N0(8/1), Bet: of 34×35 St; & 70×71 St; Manmandalar Housing, Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-256012343
243 Royal Golden 81 Motel T-0429 11 #595, 81St; Bet; of 27x28St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-66630/02-24800
244 Nan Bwe Guest House T-0434 10 M-78, Bet: of 35×36 St; & 57×58 St; Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 09444041944/09-49291015
245 Mandalay Kandawgyi Inn T-0435 11 174-B,Round of Kandawgyi Rd;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-59819/095058438/0940035880
246 Mya Tha Zin Motel T-0439 22 58/59,Bet:76 x77 St,Haymar Zala Qr,Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-30096
247 Royal Tulip Guest House T-0451 20 #302, St;90 ,Bet: of 34×35 St; West Qr; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-24459
248 Myat Nan Tawin Guest House T-0476 16 #(906/410),Kywe Sal Kan(5) St;Pyigyitagon Tsp. 02-70305/09-2007304
249 Stone Gate Inn L(MDY)-0072 20 MEC No.(31/28), Bet : of Science St & Thazin St; Bet: of 69 St : 02-80301/09-254003030
        & 70St; Chanmyathazi Tsp.  
250 Royal Yadanabon Motel T-0481 33 #192;Bet; of 22x23St; 89St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-67431,66831,34769
251 Phyo Taw Win Guest House T-0486 24 #715, 74 St; Bet: of  29×30 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-66967,74822
252 Yati Guest House T-0496 17 MEC No.32, Corner of Myawaddy Min Gyi St: x Lane(14), Pyigyiutagon Tsp. 02-80516,09-2005280
253 Four Rivers Guest House T-0512 10 MEC No(10),#(531),82 St:  Bet: of 37x38St:Mahaaungmyay Tsp. 02-71011,09-5171184
254 Diamond Inn T-0532 14 #619,Haymaza Qr; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-32251,09265000056
255 Motel Sunny T-0545 30 #174,Bet: of 80×81 St; 25 St; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 02-22501,02-36399
256 Ruby Land Inn T-0546 10 #813, Bet : of 29x30St; 65 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-61189,09976636030
257 Motel 82 T-0560 25 #571, Bet: of 31 & 32St; 82 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-60773,09494999
258 Best Season Guest House T-0578 10 #632, Bet: of 32×33 St; Bet : of 77×78 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-77669917,09-400000150
259 E-1 Motel T-0585 18 #193, Bet: of 22x23St ; Bet: of 88×89 St; Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-71428,09-781605540,09-781605560
260 56 Sweet Inn T-0628 18 #(CC/5);Corner of 56St: & Bayintnaung St; Chanmyathasi Tsp. 09-262399910/09-26399920/092-26399930
261 Motel 89 T-0634 42 MEC No(37);#(192); 89 St; Bet: of 22x23St;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-400150088,09-400150089/90
262 Grand Central Motel T-0645 30 #(625), 30 St; Bet: of 76×77 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-77787999,09-777881999,02-60037
263 Moon Light Motel T-0649 36 U Paing(25),#(613), Bet: of 27x28St: 79 St: Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-451067555,02-4065669
264 Ah Kyi Taw Motel (II) T-0650 26 U Paing(154/155),#(617), 29 St; Bet: of 76×77 St; 76 St; Bet: of 09-451067555,02-4065669
        28x29St; Chanayethazan Tsp.  
265 Pan Taw Oo Motel T-0657 13 #(488), Sagaing-Mda Rd; Chanmyathazi Tsp. 02-4059797,09-449449226
266 Golden Keinnari Inn T-0672 10 Bet: of 63×64 St; Corner of Kankaw St: x Cherry St; Chanmyathasi Tsp. 09-442003663
267 Two Elephant Inn (Nan Bwe(2) G/H) L(MDY)-0102 25 66St;Bet: of 22x23St;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-2402106
268 Shan Kan Motel L(MDY)-0104 20 Yyzana Lane;Bet: of 22x23St & 88x89St;East of Thirimarlar Qr;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-426806911
269 Standard Motel L(MDY)-0106 23 27St;Bet: of 82x83St;Middle of Chanayethazan Qr;Chanayethazan Tsp. 02-65837
270 Mandalar Motel L(MDY)-0108 14 Corner of 26x90St;West of Thirimalar;Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-974479126,09-420380818
271 Aungthiri Guest House L(MDY)-0109 18 34St;Bet: of 75x76St;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-5260461,09-978033155
272 Amarapura Guest House L(MDY)-0110 17 Sagaging-Mdy Rd;Mhantan Qr;Amarapura Tsp. 09-785511999,09-785522999
273 Pioneer Oasis Guest House L(MDY)-0111 10 Strand Rd;West of Daywon Qr;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-4025835534
274 B Kyin Motel L(MDY)-0113 10 Middle of Chanayethazan Qr;Chanayethazan Tsp. 09-2003257
275 Oasis Guest House L(MDY)-0114 20 Bet: of 78x79St: , 44St:xTheikpan St;Chanmyathazi Tsp. 09-2001199,09-428070812
276 Golden New Day Inn L(MDY)-0115 15 66 St; Bet: of Tharaphi & Ngu Shwe Wah St; Myotht(1)Qr;Chanmyathasi Tsp. 09-445401212~1313
277 Zurich Inn L(MDY)-0116 20 65 St; Bet: of 33×34 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-401670185
278 Friendship Motel L(MDY)-0117 22 80 St; Bet: of 33×34 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-5178019,09-449991117
279 ACE Star Motel L(MDY)-0118 10 80 St; Bet: of 33×34 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-5178019,09-449991117
280 Downtown Mandalay Guest House L(MDY)-0119 10 31St; Bet: of 83×84 St; Chanayethasan Tsp. 09-793974326
281 Oasis (II)Guest House L(MDY)-0124 17 No(24),#No(663),33rd,Bet:of 76×77 St,Kinsanamahi Qr,Chanayethasan Tsp
282 Hong Xinn Guest House L(MDY)-0143 21 #(551),Bet: of(34×35)st,Bet: of(84X85)st,AungNannYeikTha(West) 09-2022588
283 Myat Billion Inn L(MDY)0144 11 Amarahtarni Qr; Aungmyaythazan Tsp. 09-2017099


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Honey Hotel H-0111 24 (90), Saitai Qr. 064-23588
2 Shwe La Minn Motel H-0313 10 First Lanmadaw, Panteintan Qr. 064-21525, 21649
3 Meikhtila H-0360 34 Ygn-Mdy Rd, Kyi Kone. 064-35171~5,01-560227
4 Wun Zin Hotel H(MDY)-0083 38 (13), Nantaw Kone 064-24649,01-537554
5 Hotel Htilar H-1013 55 Aquat No.(83),Kanpat St, Pauk Chaung Qr. 064-25720,24509
6 Peace Path Palace Hotel H-1036 25 #(2/66),Round of Pound Rd; 064-24485/09-33123882
7 Grand Cosmos Hotel H-1178 50 MEC No(349), Kyi Taw Gone Qr, Wan Taw Pyae (Ext:) 064-2035251,064-2035256
8 Htila Sakhantha Garden Hotel H-1253 23 MEC No(125/1 , 126/1), Shan Tae Village Group. 09-969320835,09-794955797
9 Shadow Hotel(တ မှ ဟ) (T-0661) H(MDY)-0382 20 First Lanmadaw; Lin Zin Qr; Myoma (4)Qr. 09-427508050
10 Novid Hotel H(MDY)-0448 20 U Paing No(200/1),Yangon-Mandalay Rd, 09-445555593/09-257037373
11 Yadanar Guest House T-0088 20 (131), Yadanar Manaung Qr. 064-21818,23661
12 Lion King Guest House T-0424 15 295, Myingyan Rd; Awzarkhan Qr. 064-25811/ 09 43171971
13 A-1 Motel T-0591 17 #(175),Min Qr, first of Lanmadaw,Myoma Qr. 064-25525,09-2200335,09-42010785
14 Hein Motel L(MDY)-0112 17 Aungmingalar Qr. 09-778333123,09-443663336
15 Hill Garden Motel L(MDY)-0120 20 Ygn-Mdy Highway; Kyitawkone Qr. 09-408333887
16 Mya Ya Ti Guest House L(MDY)-0125 17 No(76),Yangon-Mandalay Rd, Pyithayar(south)Qr.  
17 Ngwe Poe Wun Guest House L(MDY)-0126 13 No(87), Pyitharyar(south)Qr.  
18 New Star Guest House L(MDY)-0127 17 No(1/4),#No(839-Kyawtalin), Myothit,Aung San Qr.  
19 FUJI Guest House L(MDY)-0128 11 No(19/8),#No(229/230/231),Bet: of3x4 st, Pyithayar(south)Qr.  
20 Khay Ma Rat Guest House L(MDY)-0132 20 No(595),#No(19-D),(4)rd,Pyithayar Qr.  
21 A-1 Guest House L(MDY)-0133 17 No(19-C),Wunhtan house,Pyitharyar Qr.  
22 Royal Motel(II) L(MDY)-0139 29 U Paing No(484),Meikhtila-kyaukpadaung Rd,Insalwai Village,Myinkan 09-400540831


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Moon Light Guest House T-0002 15 Meikhtila- Taunggyi Road. Thazi- 56
2 Wonderful Guest House T-0116 11 5th Qr.,Meikhtila- Taunggyi Road Thazi – 68


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Royal Orchid Garden Hotel H-0673 20 Block 159,U PineNo(114/154/2)St,Mal Zal Pin Village. 066-50657/50887
2 San Nan Daw Hotel H-1177 25 #(13),Pauk Taw Qr, Bagawadi Qr. 066-50435,066-50588,09-5024751
3 Hotel Kyaukse H-1213 38 Sugyi Qr. 066-50466,066-50688,09-964450466
4 Hotel Ever H-1319 56 (2/D),Yonegyi Rd; 066-50061/50776
5 Kyaukse Glory Hotel H(MDY)-0449 41 Patta Villsge Group; 09-5126651
6 Win Light Guest House T-0442 24 U PineNo(17/C),Ygn-May Rd,Sugyi-Kanoo Qr. 066-50827/092002093
7 Golden Kabar Rest Camp L(MDY)-107 12 Indine Village Group. 09-977181818


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Yadanar Shwe Pyi Motel T-0360 31 Ygn-Mdy High Way(Old),Thilawa(2)Qr. 064-40737,40748


No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Hotel Emperor(Myingyan) H-0843 32 No.(D/235/36-1/36-2/36/3),19 Qr. 09450064691/0943076869
2 Kaung Kaung Hotel H-1011 39 No(19),Bogyoke Rd. 066-22365/22292
3 Myingyan Hotel H-1247 25 Tat Myo, Aquat No(1-D,D-E)No.(1)Qr. 09 974908142,774797778
4 Family Hotel H(MDY)-0314 21 No(19)Qr. 09-2216170,09-771123426
5 AMM Hotel H(MDY)-0315 32 No(19)Qr. 09-764201576,09-43201576
6 DX Myo Tha Hotel H(MDY)-0327 69 Myotha Garden Planning.
7 Zinyaw Hotel H(MDY)-0338 29 Main of Bogyoke Rd; (19)Qr. 09-785056306~307
8 Top Paris Hotel H(MDY)-0343 30 (19)Qr; 09-2215200,066-22080
9 Marlar Hotel H(MDY)-0389 28 (19)Qr;
10 Myotha Hotel H(MDY)-0430 20 Myotha 2,BetဂNabu Ai Village, Industrial Special Area, Ngan Lun Tsp 09-441001817
11 Yantapo Home T-0482 12 MEC No.(401/54), Yatapo Village. 09-786666710~730

Pyaw Bwe

No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Thazin Nann Hotel H(MDY)-0437 23 U Paing No(49),Pyaw bwe-NatMauk rd,Shwepyiyan Qr, 09-402791639
2 Hotel Rain Tree H(MDY)-0437 23 U Paing No(19/3),SwaiMhann Village, Kanthayar Village 09-2173926
3 Tha Yaw Zin Guest House T-0485 12 #115,MEC Vo(223/1,223/3)Nyaung Shwe Village. 09-33857447,09-790820516
4 Pyaw Bwe Emperor Motel T-0504 39 #119, Bay of Ygn-Mdy High Way Rd;Kin Tar Village. 09-258841994,09-258841995

Sint Kaing

No Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
1 Aung Theikdhi Motel T-0507 20 Zay Thit Qr, 066-42213/422135
2 Golden Acamedy Motel T-0537 21 MEC No(95/2),#(61-A),Tayotesu Qr; 09-73051678,09-257888037

Sint Ku

Hotel Name License Room Address Contact Phone
Lucky-7 Hotel H(MDY)-0321 40 Nat Taung Village Group. 09-440010002