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MoHT discusses finalizing COVID-19 tourism strategic roadmap

UNION Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Ohn Maung attended a video conference for coordinating on the COVID-19 Myanmar Tourism Strategic Roadmap (draft) from his ministry’s office yesterday. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister U Tin Latt, Director-General U Maung Maung Kyaw of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, ministry officials, the chairman of the Myanmar Tourism Federation, and chairpersons of the 11 affiliated associations. The Union Minister first delivered a speech where he said they drafted a strategic roadmap at the Online Workshop on COVID-19 Crisis Management React, Rethink, Recover on 27 April. The Union Minister said the first step of the roadmap focuses on survival and immediate action with the self-finance and stimulus package, and the second step focuses on reopening and relaxing of lockdown and quarantine to be implemented within three to six months. He said the third step focuses on re-launching and will be implemented within six months to a year and includes long-term plans for reinventing Myanmar tourism and relaxing of regulations. This strategic roadmap includes action plans from the national COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP) that need to be accomplished before the end of 2020. The draft roadmap had been sent to the Myanmar Tourism Federation and 11 affiliated associations for suggestions and recommendations. The Union Minister said this meeting will finalize all remaining aspects of the strategic roadmap and will compile suggestions and recommendations form all stakeholders of the travel sector for detailed action plans at each step of the roadmap. After the meeting, Deputy Minister U Tin Latt said they will incorporate the suggestions received when finalizing the strategic roadmap and are still open for additional suggestions. He said the COVID-19 Safe Services standards need to be practical for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the travel sector. —MNA

(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)

Source – Global News Light of Myanmar

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