- The Ministry of Health issued Order No 19/2020 under the authority of Article 21 (b) of the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases Law categorizing the COVID-19 disease as a disease of swift spread or the case to be reported on 28 February 2020.
- According to this order, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Transport and Communications released the information regarding the Temporary Measures to Prevent Importation of COVID-19 to Myanmar through Air Travel starting 29 March 2020 and extended the period up to 31 March 2022.
- At present, as the COVID-19 diagnosis confirmed rate, infection rate and mortality rate have dropped significantly, the temporary suspensions on international flights are set until 23:59 hours on 16-4-2022 to develop the international tourism industry of Myanmar and facilitate the arrivals of tourists and Myanmar citizens, and the international flight schedules will be resumed as normal starting 00:00 hour on 17-4-2022 (Myanmar New Year) in accord with the COVID-19 health rules.
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment for COVID-19 Public Notice
2nd Waning of Taboung 1383 ME
18 March 2022