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Travel Advisory (20) The Suggestion, that is Directive to prevent COVID-19 for temporany suspersion to cooperate

  1. The purpose, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism is to develop. Travel Industry and to safety and security for tourists. Within in my country.
  2. Nowadays COVID-19 coronavirus is spread throughout the world, day by day. So we need to prevent our country.
  3. We announce regarding COVID-19 “Additional precautionary restrictions for travelers visiting Myanmar to prevent the spread of COVID-19” as follow,
  4. Attempt, to arrange the temporary suspension and prevention for spread, it will be started. 25.3.2020. Myanmar standard time (၀၀:၀၀).
(a)   The temporary Suspension All of the people re-entry Myanmar, including Immigrant, must Quarantine (14)  days at the resistant area on the sport. (b)   Foreigner, who must have negative results out COVID-19 within (72) Hours,  before check-in time at their departure place. And, they must stay each house for (14) days like a resistant area in  Myanmar. (c)   Including Diplomat and Authority person who from under the rule of the United Nations. (d)   For our organization such as Travel Agency, travel industry altogether, to perform. The Announcement that is under the Ministry of Health and Sports.
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