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Union H&T Minister attends Mekong-Korea Cooperation Regional Forum, Use of Guest List Management System-GLMS

MEKONG Sub-region and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Thailand jointly held a Mekong-Korea Regional Cooperation Forum yesterday morning in Bangkok. The forum was attended by representatives from relevant governmental departments and embassies in Bangkok, and more than 50 international and regional research representatives, development partners, and universities. Union Minister Dr Htay Aung and officials from the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, representatives from the Myanmar Tourism Federation and its affiliated associations, and representatives from other member states and organizations attended the forum online. The forum aims to examine the current status and direction of the Mekong Cooperation Framework, to review and evaluate integration recommendations between the Mekong and its partners and organizations under the Mekong-Korea Cooperation Programme, and to enhance cooperation between the Republic of Korea, Mekong member states and international partners. A total of more than 100 private/government representatives from the member countries attended the forum. The forum discussed Mekong-based political and economic issues, such as international cooperation in the Mekong region and engagement with external partners, geopolitical strategic competition and future challenges, and interactions between international and outside organizations in the Mekong region. Representatives from relevant embassies, researchers and subject matter experts led the discussion, and the delegates had a frank discussion on what they wanted to know. At the meeting, the Union minister discussed the need to upgrade the current cooperation framework for the economic recovery of the Mekong countries in the post-COVID-19 period, conditions that could bridge the gap in tourism human resource development of Mekong member countries, in addition to the Mekong-Korea Cooperation Framework for Tourism Development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, the need for support from other development partners, as well as the cooperation of the tourism sector in the Mekong-Korea Cooperation Process in Myanmar. In the afternoon, the Union minister attended and addressed a coordination meeting on the use of the Guest List Management System (GLMS). After that, officials from the Ministry and officials from Myanmar Ease Net Co Ltd explained the use of the GLMS system and the participants discussed and advised. — MNA Source From: The Global New Light of Myanmar

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